Orpheus Internet Online Contact Form
Monday March 31st, 2025 - 1:21am
Orpheus Internet Services

Internet Fault Report

If you are having problems with your Broadband connection, please complete the following form, which will help us liaise with the supplier in order to resolve the problem.

Your name: eg. Fred Bloggs
Your email address: eg. fred@bloggs.com
Please ensure that you enter a valid email address above, or we won't be able to reply to your message.
Telephone Number of Broadband Line: 
Does the telephone still work for voice calls? 
Do you get any sync with the local exchange? 
Are there any non ADSL equipment connected to the line ie. fax/old modem? 
Is is possible to plug the router directly into the master socket without an extension? Does that make a difference? 
Has another modem/router been used, and does this make a difference? 
Has a different microfilter been used, and does this make a difference? 
Description of fault ie. can't download web pages, slow connection etc.:

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