Orpheus Internet Online Contact Form
Monday March 31st, 2025 - 1:25am
Orpheus Internet Services

Request form for .ac.uk domain registration

Before you complete this form, please check that you conform to the eligibility guidelines at www.ja.net/services/domain-name-registration/register.ac.uk/eligibility-ac.html

Completing this form correctly will speed up your application.

Your name: Your name
Your email address: Your email address
Please ensure that you enter a valid email address above, or we won't be able to reply to your message.
requested name:[domain name requested]
to represent:[the project, initiative or organisation for which the domain is being registered]
domain owner:[the name of the proposed domain owner organisation]
descr:[Provide information as required by section of the eligibility guidelines:]
descr:[Status of the organisation]
descr:[Role and objective of the organisation]
descr:[The status of staff within the organisation]
descr:[The source of funding for the organisation]
descr:[To whom the organisation is accountable]
descr:[Purpose of domain name]
admin-c:[Name of the admin contact]
address:[full postal address of contact]
phone:[telephone number of contact]
fax-no:[fax number of contact]
e-mail:[e-mail address of contact]
tech-c:[Name of the technical contact]
address:[full postal address of contact]
phone:[telephone number of contact]
fax-no:[fax number of contact]
e-mail:[e-mail address of contact]
reg-c:[Name and position within the domain owner organisation of the registrant contact]
address:[full postal address of contact]
phone:[telephone number of contact]
fax-no:[fax number of contact]
e-mail:[e-mail address of contact]

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