Status at a glance
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Mon 3rd Oct, 12.00pm | pv | Support phone line connection restored. No known issues at this time. |
Sun 2nd Oct, 12.00pm | pv | There is currently a BT exchange fault with the main 0845 120 5559 voice support line. If you need to phone us, please use the emergency telephone number. |
Tue 30th Aug, 8.00am | pv | No known issues at this time |
Wed 24th Aug, 8.00pm | pv | BT connection problems There appears to be a BT problem in switching the 0845 number through to Orpheus from certain exchanges. I'm currently investigating the problem with BT. |
Mon 11th Jul, 6.00pm | pv | News service restored Our Usenet feed has been restored and normal service should be in operation. |
Sunday 10th July | pv | News unavailable Our Usenet feed is currently unavailable due to maintenance. Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible. In the meantime I'd like to apologise for any inconvenience. |
Tue 21st Jun, 08:00am | pv | Usenet access available! Our Usenet server ( has now been enabled and should carry the full set of newsgroups, including the old argonet.* newsgroups. However, it's restricted to Orpheus subscribers only, so if you find you cannot access it, please make a note of the IP address given above and contact us. |
Sat 11th Jun, 10:00am | pv | Some people reporting problems connecting to The mail server is working correctly and accepting connections. However, I suspect that the DNS changes made yesterday haven't propagated out to everyone yet. You can verify this by pinging which should resolve to (although it won't actually respond to ping). |
Fri 10th Jun, 06:00pm | pv | No service issues This mornings upgrade went according to plan and all systems were back to normal operation by 11am. I'd would like to apologise again for any inconvenience. |
Thur 9th Jun, 07:30am | pv | Scheduled Downtime Websites and mail will be temporarily unavailable between 10am and approx 11.30am on Friday 10th June (tomorrow). This is so that we can carry out physical relocation of our main servers into a new hosting facility. I would like to apologise in advance for any inconvenience. |
Sun 5th Jun, 12:39pm | pv | WebMail operational The WebMail system should be working normally again. Apologies for the temporary downtime whilst I installed some security updates. |
Sun 5th Jun, 8:00am | pv | WebMail unavailable I'm currently adjusting the security on the WebMail system, so WebMail may be temporarily unavailable this morning. This is purely the web front-end and will not affect mail services in any way. Mail will continue to be delivered to your POP mailbox as normal. Apologies for any inconvenience. |
Sat 4th Jun, 10:00am | pv | WebMail unavailable The WebMail system is temporarily unavailable. I'm investigating the fault and normal service will be resumed as soon as possible. Update - 12:58pm - Now working again! pv |
Sun 8th May, 08:00pm | pv | Possible issue with Argonet ADSL Migration If you were scheduled for migration from Argonet DSL in the past couple of days, it would appear that something may be amiss at the Argonet end, as the Orpheus control panel is still showing DSL migrations as pending. I'm currently investigating this. Your Argonet DSL should still be active, and when migration occurs, there shouldn't be more than a couple of hours downtime, if any at all. |
Wed 27th Apr, 10:00pm | pv | Dialup tests completed I've successfully tested the new dialup number, and created a provider file for the Ant Internet Suite. |
Thu 21st Apr, 11:27pm | pv | Ready for going live I'm in the process of updating the support pages, ready for enabling people to setup their new ADSL connections. All systems working normally. |
Mon 18th Apr, 06:00pm | pv | Maintenance work We will be temporarily shutting down one of the mail servers tomorrow morning (Tues 19th Apr) between 8am - 9-30am for routine maintenance. Normal service will remain unaffected. |
Sun 20th Mar, 10:39am | pv | Test System undergoing testing. |
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Technical Helpdesk: | Email: Telephone: 24 hour emergency: | 0845 120 5559 07913 398 001 (voice or sms) |
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